Which is your favourite supermarket in Spain?

Which is your favourite supermarket in Spain?

Spanish consumers organisation OCU has carried out a survey among customers to value proximity, quality, variety of products and prices

Raquel Merino


Friday, 31 January 2025, 15:58

Why do you choose one supermarket over another out of all the options? Because of the prices, the products, because it is close to home...?

The Spanish consumers and users organisation (OCU) has carried out a satisfaction survey to find out which supermarket and hypermarket chains are among the best rated by customers. A total of 4,886 OCU members took part and the results, which refer to 46 chains, suggest that customers are generally satisfied with areas such as opening hours, spaciousness and cleanliness, but also reveal notable differences in other areas.

The regional chains that came out best in the survey were: the Catalan companies Esclat and Bon Preu which top the list, followed by others such as Familia, Ametller, Family Cash, Cash Fresh, Plus Fresc, Consum, Bonárea and Hiperusera. Meanwhile, among the national chains, the best rated are El Corte Inglés, Hipercor and Aldi.

The choice depends on these criteria

The quality of products and food, and having a good range is what customers value most, as well as having good prices. But other aspects such as practicality, i.e. being close to home or work, and easy access were also important. The people who took part in the OCU survey preferred Dia, Eroski Center, Carrefour Express, Eroski City and Ahorramás in terms of those criteria.

The comfort of the establishment (layout, aisles, lighting, spaciousness, etc.) also plays a role. In this section, Esclat, Hipercor and Bon Preu all passed.

The survey indicates that 20 per cent of shoppers base their choice of where to shop on price and the best prices can be found Family Cash, Cash Fresh, Supeco, Bonárea and Lidl. In terms of discounts and promotions, the most satisfied customers are those of the Catalan Esclat, Familia and Carrefour hypermarkets, which the OCU calls "the champions of loyalty".

Product choice is another basic criterion for consumers, with Hipercor, Esclat and El Corte Inglés standing out, as well as Alcampo.

Finally, another section with major differences between chains is the waiting time at checkouts. The supermarkets that most satisfy their customers in this respect are Esclat, Supercor, Plus Fresc and BM Complet.

Online shopping

Three out of four members surveyed never shop online in supermarkets, which shows that while online shopping is fairly widespread in the fashion and technology sectors, among others, there is still reluctance in the food sector.

The OCU survey collected results from ten online supermarkets. The participants highlighted above all the punctuality and accuracy of deliveries, but complained about the navigation on the websites and the shortage of fresh produce, as well as the delivery times. In this section, the most highly rated online supermarkets are Bon Preu, Consum, Mercadona and Amazon Fresh, in that order. Alcampo and Carrefour are the least liked.

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surinenglish Which is your favourite supermarket in Spain?