The railway track in the San Gabriel neighbourhood of Alicante, where the fatal incident happened. Juan Carlos Soler
Young woman dies after being struck by train on unauthorised crossing point at Costa Blanca beach
112 incident

Young woman dies after being struck by train on unauthorised crossing point at Costa Blanca beach

Authorities are investigating a possible lapse of concentration by the 24-year-old while talking on a mobile phone



Tuesday, 7 January 2025, 15:26

A 24-year-old woman has died after being struck by a train on the railway line between Torrellano and San Gabriel on Spain's Costa Blanca on Monday.

The Moldovan woman was crossing the tracks at an unauthorised crossing point when she was hit about 6pm on 6 January. It is believed the victim was lost and talking on her mobile phone when the incident happened. Several forensic and police units attended the scene to investigate what happened, sources said.

Spanish rail infrastructure operator Adif pointed out that railway traffic between Torrellano and Sant Gabriel was halted after the incident. The stoppage affected long distance, medium distance and Cercanías commuter trains on the C-1 line of the Murcia-Alicante route.

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surinenglish Young woman dies after being struck by train on unauthorised crossing point at Costa Blanca beach