A month ago they were calling for water-saving devices to be installed on household taps to save water. Summer was just beginning and with it water consumption was predicted to increase. Now, a month later, Agua de los Verdiales - the company responsible for managing the water supply in Almogía, Casabermeja, Villanueva de la Concepción and the Sur del Torcal area of Antequera - has asked residents and visitors to the four towns to use water "efficiently, fairly and responsibly" in their respective districts and neighbourhoods to avoid having to implement water cuts in the coming days.
"The greatest expense is being incurred in the rural areas, especially in summer, and once we get over August, when we have the summer fair in the town and others in the area, the picture will change", stated Gonzalo Sánchez, mayor of Villanueva de la Concepción.
The existence of more complicated and extensive water distribution networks in rural areas makes it difficult to detect breakdowns in and thefts of water. As a result, it's in rural areas where the highest expenditure on water per person per day is occurring by far.
Consumption has soared thanks to these losses, along with the water needed for livestock farms, tourist accommodation and rural houses. For these reasons the water management company is asking the public to collaborate in notifying the company or their respective town councils of possible faults, as well as greater control of water consumption in these areas, such as cutting off general stopcocks or checking meters, among other measures.
Agua de los Verdiales says that, with the arrival of August, reservoir levels are dropping alarmingly, so they are calling for responsible use of only the water that is strictly necessary and to comply with all the usual measures to reduce consumption. In a company statement they said the following: "Rural areas have a smaller population and, in spite of this, water consumption is much higher, which is why, if necessary, we will begin to cut water supply in rural areas by days and hours."
In the same statement they explained that there are certain rural areas where cuts have not yet been necessary. On the other hand, in other specific areas of some municipalities, it has been necessary to carry out occasional cuts due to the impossibility of covering all the demand at this time of year.
"For the time being, we have ruled out making cuts in Villanueva de la Concepción as the reservoir has a capacity of three million litres and is currently at a height of two metres above its level when it is normally at three. If we use it responsibly, we will be able to move forward," said the mayor, who is aware that the water supply situation in the municipalities south of the Torcal is becoming even more complicated this month, bearing in mind that water resources are becoming increasingly scarce due to the lack of rainfall.
With regard to the recommendations of the different municipalities in the area, and remembering that Agua de los Verdiales is only obliged to maintain a water supply for human consumption, they remind the public that it is totally forbidden to water flowerpots, lawns, use hosepipes, to fill or refill swimming pools, nor to water vegetable gardens and olive groves. They also point out that, as far as possible, livestock should be supplied with water from wells or other sources, as it is not essential to put mains water to this use.
For lodgings and rural houses, Agua de los Verdiales reminds owners that the water supply to swimming pool showers and other non-essential facilities should be shut off, and that they should inform guests of the need to use water responsibly.
Antonia García, mayor of Almogía, commented that cuts are not ruled out if the level of the reservoir that supplies the four municipalities continues to fall. However, she added that, thanks to a new water management installation, the supply has improved to the towns in question, as in the case of Casabermeja, where a year ago they got by with only five hours of water per day and, up to now, this year they have not had to make any cuts.
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