Eugenio Cabezas
Wednesday, 1 January 2025, 08:00
With just 411 registered inhabitants according to 2024 data from Spain's INE national statistics institute, Árchez, in the heart of the Axarquía is one of the smallest municipalities in Malaga province. Although the village's primary industry is agriculture and livestock, it has also become a popular tourist destination in recent years, with initiatives such as the Ruta de los Molinos del Río Turvilla (Turvilla river mills route).
However, the importance of the primary sector continues to be key to the village. This has been demonstrated by the announcement of the winners of the sixth Andalusian rural and fishing environment photography competition 2024, organised by the Junta de Andalucía's agriculture, fisheries, water and rural development department.
This year the winning entry for best photograph was ‘Un ordeño en familia’, taken in Árchez by Jean-Sebastien Evrard. The aim of the competition is to recognise the role of photography in documenting, raising awareness and promoting the agricultural, livestock and fishing sectors, women and the social, economic and environmental values of Andalucía.
A total of 16 digital photographs were awarded a total prize of 6,750 euros for the categories including best photograph, visual narrative, agriculture, livestock, fishing, women in the rural and fishing world and water in the rural world. The best photograph category has a prize of 2,000 euros, the visual narrative category 1,000 euros and the rest of the categories 750 euros each.
In the visual narrative category a set of ten photographs taken in the Bay of Cadiz by Óscar Cárdenas was awarded a prize. The titles of these ten images are ‘Going out to sea’, ‘It's getting dark soon’, ‘The sailor rests’, ‘Reflection’, ‘Fish detected’, ‘Preparing the gear’, ‘Trawler fishing’, ‘Pulling the nets’, ‘Cold hands’ and ‘First catches’.
In the agriculture category, the jury awarded the prize to Antonio Ramos for his photograph ‘Plough in the background’, taken in Morón de la Frontera (Seville); while in the livestock category, the prize went to Catalina Gómez, for her photograph entitled ‘From pasture to plate’, taken on a farm in Santiago-Pontones (Jaén). In the fishing category, the winner of the prize was an image by Francisco José López, entitled ‘Enredados’ (Entangled), which was taken in Isla Cristina (Huelva).
Finally, as reported by the Junta de Andalucía in a statement, in the category of women in the rural and fishing world the prize was awarded to José Luis Olivares Carrillo for his photograph ‘Trashumancia 2, relevo generacional’, a snapshot taken in Úbeda (Jaén), while in the category of water in the rural world the jury awarded the prize to the image ‘De Paseo’, by Emilio Hueto, captured in Bujalance (Córdoba).
A further 35 photographs were also finalists in the competition in the different categories, with no financial prize. A total of 89 people took part with 649 entries. Those interested in seeing all the winning photographs can viewt them on the Junta de Andalucía's website by clicking here.
"All the award-winning images have been chosen for highlighting innovation, digital transformation, mitigation of and adaptation to climate change, efficient and sustainable use of resources, circular economy, generational change, women, training, quality, agro-industry, fixing the rural population and improving their quality of life," the Junta de Andalucía explained in its statement.
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