A. Torices / A. Sánchez
Friday, 6 December 2024, 15:28
Spain has seen a drop off in primary school pupils’ ability in maths and sciences.
In a 2023 study published this week, comparing the ability of nine and ten year olds to other developed countries in the OECD organisation, Spain scored 498 in maths compared to an average of 525. That was a drop of four points since the last survey four years ago. Spain is near the bottom of the list of countries.
The study is carried out for the IEA educational evaluation association. Something similar happened on the pupils’ score for science. The Spanish score was 504, 22 points below the OECD average of 526.
The report said that one of the major problems for Spanish students was their lack of confidence in their ability to succeed at the subjects. There were many pupils with low marks and few with excellent marks, the report added.
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