The new maze at Malaga city's La Concepción botanical garden is very close to becoming a reality. The planting work has been completed and some of the species that populate this project, which will be officially inaugurated next year, have already flowered.
The new space, which is located in front of the 'jardín de los sentidos' (sensory garden), is almost a thousand metres in size and to reach the centre, where you will find the Minotaur, you will have to walk along five corridors, although it is not too complicated so getting lost is (almost) impossible.
Bougainvillea, jasmine, celestina, pyrostegia, tecomaria and yellow jasmine (false jasmine), among others, give colour to the labyrinth which will be officially opened in May or June next year, coinciding with the 30th anniversary of the Amigos del Jardín Botánico-Histórico La Concepción association (friends of the La Concepción botanical-historical garden).
According to the president of the association Cristóbal Martí "the bougainvillea are already in flower and the winter bignonias are about to bloom". In fact, as he proudly pointed out, "of the seven varieties planted, three are already in flower and growing spectacularly", which means that they are achieving their objective of having flowers "all year round" in this pioneering maze in Malaga.
To complete the project, in addition to waiting for nature to take its course and for the species to continue to grow, all that remains to be done is to install the statue of the Minotaur in the centre, for which, according to Martí, several sketches are being looked at before choosing the definitive one.
At the entrance to the maze there will be a sign explaining the legend, according to which the Minotaur's labyrinth was built in Crete by the architect Daedalus on the orders of King Minos, to hide the Minotaur. The birth of the creature was the result of a union between Pasiphae, the wife of Minos, and a white bull sent by Poseidon. The Minotaur, a monstrous creature with the body of a man and the head of a bull, was a symbol of shame and a threat to the people of Crete who was eventually slayed by Theseus.
Once the planting work has been completed, the maintenance will be carried out by the gardeners of La Concepción (until now it had been done by the friends' association).
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