The Diputación's headquarters in Malaga (file image). SUR
PP gains more seats to achieve a comfortable absolute majority in Malaga's provincial authority

PP gains more seats to achieve a comfortable absolute majority in Malaga's provincial authority

The ruling Partido Popular group will continue governing the Diputación after winning 18 seats, compared to 10 for the PSOE and one for Con Andalucía

Antonio M. Romero


Monday, 29 May 2023, 12:54

Opciones para compartir

Partido Popular has scored a resounding victory in the Malaga provincial authority, winning 18 seats compared to 10 for the PSOE, in following Sunday's local election results.

The win continues the party's stronghold in the Diputación, which has been marked blue by the conservatives since 2011.

According to official figures, Partido Popular won 18 seats, two more than the absolute majority and three more than it currently has in the council. The PP's Francisco Salado has led the Provincial authority since 2019 - the year in which he replaced Elías Bendodo.

People do not directly vote for the Diputación, seats are allocated according to the local election results, which saw sweeping support for the conservatives across the province.

The PSOE was left with only ten seats, two less than it had until now. Con Andalucía, the coalition of IU and Podemos, also suffered setbacks, with just one representative in the Diputación compared to two previously.

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