The are the new restrictions for hunters in Andalucía

The are the new restrictions for hunters in Andalucía

The Junta regional government has approved a law which regulates game meat destined for human consumption, amongst other things



Tuesday, 27 August 2024, 18:39

Opciones para compartir

The Junta de Andalucía approved a law regulating game meat destined for human consumption in Andalucía on Monday 26 August. The new rule includes the limitation to two pieces of game per person, hunting ground and day and the consideration of veterinarians and game wardens as trained hunters, among other aspects.

The new law regulates the public health requirements and controls applicable to the meat of large and small game aimed at establishments that handle game meat, for its subsequent sale and that intended for personal consumption. In addition, it also establishes requirements to be met by vets authorised for hunting activities and the trained hunter, as explained by the Junta in a press release.

This new law is "largely continuous" from the previous law of September 2018, but "incorporates the new features" introduced by the Royal Decree of 2020, which "regulates and makes more flexible certain conditions" of the provisions of the European Union on hygiene in the production and marketing of foodstuffs and regulates activities excluded from its scope.

It also takes into consideration the entry into force of an EU law which, although it does not directly affect hunting, does affect the official control in game handling establishments, which is where the majority of game meat goes.

New hygiene rules

The new legislation takes into account the risk posed by trichinosis, in the case of species susceptible to trichinae, the regulation establishes that all animals must be tested for trichinae before consumption, carried out by suitable personnel, using specific methods.

The decree also introduces in Andalucía the concept of game collection centres, registered or authorised establishments, where game is received after an initial examination on the spot, at a meat board or at a game inspection centre, for the sole purpose of cold storage at the legally established temperatures for the time necessary to organise the transfer of game from different hunting activities to another collection centre or to a game handling establishment.

In addition, it limits to two pieces per hunter, preserve and day those that can be reported by each hunter before being delivered to an establishment, as requested by the Andalusian council of official veterinary associations (Cacov)and established by the Royal Decree of 2020; and it incorporates game wardens as trained hunters, in response to the proposal of the hunting societies. At the same time, it simplifies the training required for authorised veterinarians, as requested by Cacov, as the additional content is already included in the degree qualification.

This training now focuses on those skills that bring the greatest added value to the health protection activities they perform. In addition, any person with a degree in veterinary medicine, directly, without further requirements, can act as a trained hunter. In response to a complaint from the Hunting Federation and some local game owners in the province of Huelva, the decree establishes the possibility of sending game to non-adjacent hunting grounds for the first examination. However, this possibility is only open to social hunting.

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