The woman who died in a road traffic incident in Guadahortuna in Granada province at the weekend was a victim of gender-based violence and the alleged aggressor, who is believed to have fled after the incident and is being sought by the Guardia Civil, was the driver of the vehicle, according to official sources.
There was a restraining order in force which prevented the man from approaching his wife, who died after the car in which they were travelling with three children overturned for reasons which are being investigated by the police.
The fact that he was under a court order prohibiting him from approaching the woman is allegedly why he fled the scene before the emergency services arrived. He is known to the police.
The three children, who are said to be the couple's, were injured but survived and were taken to a health centre by witnesses who were driving in the area where the incident was reported.
It happened at around 2.30am on Saturday, 30 November and the emergency services were unable to revive the 37-year-old woman, according to 112 Andalucía emergency incident coordinators. In addition to a medical team, the fire brigade and Guardia Civil officers attended the scene of the crash.
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