Europa Press
Monday, 18 March 2024, 13:16
Social Security contributors linked to the tourism industry grew in February in Andalucía by 14,156, a greater increase than any other Spanish region. In total, 300,742 people are registered are working in tourism, including employees (240,275) and the self-employed (60,467), which is 4.9% more than in February of the previous year.
In the country as a whole, contributors working in the sector numbered 2,584,565, which is an increase of 4.9% compared to February 2023. Tourism employment accounts for 12.5% of the total number of workers in the country's economy, which as a whole grew by 2.6% last month, the government said in a statement.
The Spanish government's representative in Andalucía, Pedro Fernández, pointed out that job creation has been on the up in the region in this sector since the summer of 2021.
"The measures adopted by the Spanish government, such as the labour reform and the increases in the minimum wage, are helping to improve tourism employment by reducing temporary employment, increasing wages and providing greater stability and protection for workers. This is demonstrated by the job creation figures that we are seeing month by month."
The number of employees in the region rose by 6.1%, with a total of 240,275 people, placing it in fifth place behind the Balearic Islands, Rioja, Valencia and the Canary Islands. In the country as a whole, salaried employees increased by 5.8% with respect to the same month of the previous year and represent 81% of the total number of contributors in this sector. By branch of activity, salaried employment increased in travel agencies and tour operators (8%) and in hotels and catering (5.9%).
Self-employment in tourism, which represents 19% of the total number of contributors, increased by 1.2%. The hotel and catering business remained stable and travel agencies saw a year-on-year increase of 6.9% in the number of self-employed.
The increase in absolute terms, in the month of February 2024, was 120,003 new workers in employment compared to the same month of the previous year. This is a growth that affects all branches of the tourism sector. While in hospitality it was 75,126 (23,603 in accommodation services and 51,523 in catering services), in travel agencies it reached 4,671. The rest of tourism activities also recorded a joint increase of 40,206 workers.
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