A giant purple ribbon remembering victims of domestic violence in Malaga on Thursday evening. Ñito Salas
2023 has been 'a very black year' for gender violence in Andalucía
Gender violence

2023 has been 'a very black year' for gender violence in Andalucía

A march is taking place in Malaga city on Saturday to mark 25 November: the UN's International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women



Friday, 24 November 2023, 13:05

Opciones para compartir

A number of events are taking place throughout the region this Saturday, 25 November, to mark the United Nations' International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, including a march organised by Plataforma Violencia Cero which sets off from Plaza de la Marina in Malaga city at 12pm.

Ahead of the international day a number of reports have released alarming data that shows an increase in gender-based violence in Andalucía.

According to the latest data from the Observatorio de Violencia Doméstica y de Género, Andalucía has registered a 3.8% increase in the number of victims reported, compared to the same period in 2022.

A total of 9,726 female victims were registered in the eight provinces that make up Andalucía between April and June and 10,233 reports were filed, signifying an increase of 8.6%.

According to this study, between April and June the judicial bodies in Andalucía, together with those in Ceuta and Melilla, granted a total of 1,914 protection orders; 76% of the number requested. The report also points out that three out of every four victims - 75.4% - were Spanish, while the rest were foreign nationals.

Young people

Another study, named 'Zero Tolerance', carried out by the Mutua Madrileña Foundation, highlights that young people aged between 16 and 21 are the group least aware of gender violence and that 21% of young men in the age group believe that hitting their partner after an argument is not a form of abuse.

Speaking ahead of 25 November, the Junta de Andalucía's representative for social inclusion, youth, families and equality, Loles López, expressed her concern at the increase in cases of gender-based violence, which this year have claimed the lives of 17 women in Andalucía, with the latest victim, Paqui, 52, in Benalmádena in October.

López warned of "the appearance of gender violence at ever younger ages" and called for "reflection not only by the administrations, but by society as a whole in the face of the increase in cases". She added, "Something is going wrong."

López went on to say, "There is currently a bigger budget, more resources and tools than ever" to combat gender-based violence. But despite this, "it is still very present" and that 2023 has already been "a very black year". She said that "education" was key to ending gender-based violence.

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