Silvia Osorio
Friday, 6 December 2024, 17:34
It consists of 39 letters in a single word and it is very difficult to pronounce all at once. The village with one of the longest names in Europe - and the longest in Spain - is located in Baztan valley in the Navarre region in the north of the country. You will need to take a deep breath to pronounce it all in one go as it is Azpilkuetagaraycosaroyarenberecolarrea.
This is the full real name of Azpilkueta, the Basque name for Aspilcueta, some 60 kilometres from Pamplona. In fact, the name in Spanish is the one that appears on Google Maps if any curious reader wants to check its precise location. Surrounded by mountains and with farmhouses typical of the architecture in the north of Navarre, it is a small village with barely 190 inhabitants, according to the latest census.
It is also the fifth municipality in the world with the longest single-word name.
On Thursday this week it was the subject of conversation on the Spanish TV show La Revuelta. The show's host, David Broncano, interviewed a young Basque member of the audience, who said that he studied audiovisual communication at the Leioa campus of the UPV/EHU (University of Basque Country) and that he has found work as a radio presenter in the village where he spends his summer holidays - Espinosa de los Monteros (Burgos). The guest commented, as an anecdote, that the full name of this village in Las Merindades has many more words, being one of the longest in Spain.
It was there that Azpilkueta was brought up as an example of a long place name. This prompted the Spanish comedian once again to make a joke about the Basque language. When he tried to read the village name out loud and was unable to do so, Broncano laughed, suggesting that: "looks like Basque is my fourth language now."
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