One of the frequent traffic jams on the Costa del Sol motorway between Rincón de la Victoria and Malaga. Ñito Salas
Almost 34 million motor vehicles currently circulate on Spain's roads

Almost 34 million motor vehicles currently circulate on Spain's roads

According to the Spanish association of manufacturers (Anfac), the average age of vehicles in the country climbed to 14.2 years in 2024, and it is one of the highest in Europe

J. Bacorelle


Monday, 27 January 2025, 12:52

The number of insured motor vehicles in Spain stood at 33,976,611 at the end of 2024, an increase of 1.71% compared to 2023. This figure corresponds to the average for the months of October, November and December and is based on the records on insured vehicles (FIVA).

The average number of vehicles in circulation on the country's roads increased by 572,194 compared to the same period in 2023. From one quarter to another, the increase is 0.24%, which is 81,255 units more than the average for the third quarter (July-August-September) of the year.

FIVA collects data on all vehicles insured in Spain, regardless of whether they are passenger cars, mopeds, motorbikes, vans, buses, industrial vehicles, etc.

As motor vehicle liability insurance is compulsory, FIVA provides a true picture of the evolution of the total of vehicles across the country. The data in this file takes into account both currently registered vehicles and those that have been deregistered.

In the fourth quarter of the year there were 3,135,069 vehicle registrations and 3,047,417 deregistrations. This represents a positive balance of 87,652 across all categories (cars, motorbikes, vans, trucks, buses, etc.) between 1 October and 31 December.

The data shows that the growth of the insured stock during 2024 was higher than the one recorded in 2023 and is, in fact, the highest index in a fourth quarter since the end of 2018. In terms of quarter-on-quarter performance, this is the eleventh consecutive quarter of increases, although the rise is more modest than in previous quarters.

The average age of vehicles in Spain has increased significantly in recent years and is now above the European average. In 2023, the average age exceeded 14 years, which represents significant ageing. According to the Spanish association of automobile and lorry manufacturers (Anfac), the average age of vehicles has risen to 14.2 years in 2024, and is one of the oldest in Europe.

F. P.

Anfac stated that around half of the 30 million vehicles that circulated in Spain in 2023 were 15 years old or even older, which is worrying. According to data provided by the association, in the last year, for every new car registered, around 1.3 cars over 10 years old have been sold, diverting the market towards older vehicles that delay the rejuvenation of the vehicle body as a whole and hinder compliance with the emission reduction targets demanded by Europe.

Based on DGT labels, the number of vehicles with a 0 (zero emissions) sticker has increased by 50.9% in 2023, while those with an ECO label have grown by 31%. However, vehicles from these two categories represent only 5.7% of the total for Spain. On the other hand, vehicles with label C have increased by 6.1% compared to last year, comprising 10,793,282 units.

Vehicles without an environmental label accounted for 29.4% of the total, and B-labelled vehicles accounted for 29.8%, totalling around 18.1 million vehicles. However, vehicles without a label fell by 2% compared to the previous year.

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surinenglish Almost 34 million motor vehicles currently circulate on Spain's roads