"A bacon and egg sandwich should do the trick."Wikimedia
The Music Maker opinion
Blues banned
If you happen to wake up on the twentieth of January 2025 gripped by a chilling bout of existential angst it'll be because it's Monday. More specifically, it's Blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year
Peter Edgerton
Friday, 17 January 2025, 16:40
If you happen to wake up on the twentieth of January 2025 gripped by a chilling bout of existential angst, wondering why there's a gaping chasm sitting where your soul used to be, it'll be because it's Monday. More specifically, it's Blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year according to some researchers who apparently have nothing better to do than research such things. (By the way, if you're reading this on a different day and you still have the symptoms detailed above, that's just a hangover. A bacon and egg sandwich should do the trick).
Actually, it appears that the concept of Blue Monday was first dreamt up as a marketing ploy by a travel company hoping to cash in on the general sense of gloom and despair engendered by the cold, dark days of January and given extra heft by Christmas shopping credit card bills thudding unceremoniously onto myriad doormats throughout the land. 'You need a holiday, sir! ... Sorry, what's that, sir?... Er, yes, of course, sir - we do, indeed, accept all major credit cards.'
Having said that, it must be quite geographically specific all of this, mustn't it? I mean, it's really hard to imagine those delightful African children who occasionally grace our social network feeds, singing and dancing their little hearts out in multicoloured costumes backed by their parents, all succumbing to the downward pull of a Blue Monday. On the contrary, you do rather get the general impression that the concept applies only to perennially spoiled Northern Hemisphere people like us. (Speak for yourself - Ed.)
Anyway, in a noble bid to put a spring on our mollycoddled step, here are some reasons to be cheerful.
First, January and February are, in fact, great months to get things done - join a gym, paint the house, cup your hands round mugs of hot soup, leave the gym, etc.
Secondly, if you're reading this article in printed form, you probably live in Spain where the evenings certainly don't draw in just after breakfast and it's remains quite sunny for a good part of the day even at this time of year. (If you're reading this online in Grimsby, I don't really know what to say. Maybe try a bacon and egg sandwich).
Finally, even if you spend an unhealthy amount of time trawling through social media for random dopamine hits, there's still always the chance that, at any given moment, you'll be blessed by the sudden appearance of some delightful African children dressed in multicoloured costumes, singing and dancing their little hearts out and, let's face it, nobody could possibly feel the remotest bit blue after witnessing that, no matter what day it is.
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