Juan Cano / Irene Quirante
Wednesday, 14 August 2024, 16:18
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Officers from Spain's National Police force are investigating a mass brawl in the car park of a nightclub in Marbella. It comes after videos uploaded on social media networks show a violent fight with numerous people involved taking place, although so far no one has gone to a police station to report the injuries they suffered.
The incident happened at 6.15am on Saturday 10 August in the car park of the Olivia Valere nightclub. A call to the 112 Andalucía emergency service control room told of a brawl with up to a hundred people involved and in which bottles, stones and glasses were flying. According to the informant, and as reflected in one of the videos of the incident, a man was left unconscious on the floor after being hit by a bottle and kicked in the head.
Several National Police units raced to the scene, but on arrival they found only the remnants of the brawl. None of those involved were located and the injured, according to the videos, left the car park by their own means. Not surprisingly, given the nature of the violence seen in the videos, police made enquiries with the hospitals in the area to check whether anyone had been admitted that morning with injuries sustained in a fight.
Police sources confirmed that there is currently an investigation open at the Marbella police station based mainly on the videos shared on social media to identify, if possible, the participants in the violent ight and to offer the injured parties the possibility of filing a complaint.
The Olivia Valere nightclub venue confirmed the incident and pointed out that the establishment's security staff, made up of 35 personnel, always intervene in the first instance to try to separate the parties and "contain" the area to ensure the safety of the rest of the customers, as can be seen in the footage.
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