The Andalusian regional government has revived one of its most unique traditions; closing the legislative year by singing traditional 'villancicos' Christmas carols at its last full plenary meeting of the year.
The custom, started during the years of socialist governments in Andalucía, was stopped before 2018, the year the region went from being run by the socialist PSOE party to the centre-right Partido Popular (PP). However, this year the tradition has been revived thanks to the president of the sessio, Jesús Aguirre.
Once the meeting, during which the budget was approved, was over, members of the PP and Vox responded to Aguirre's invitation and sang three popular Christmas carols, joined by members of the regional government, headed by Juanma Moreno, and parliamentary staff.
The PSOE, Por Andalucía and Adelante MPs opted to leave the chamber while the singing took place, and the delegate for Granada, Jorge Saavedra, along with a member of staff, played the guitar as they sang 'Ya Vienen los Reyes', 'Los Peces en el Río' and 'La Marimorena'.
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