Europa Press
Friday, 20 December 2024, 12:46
The regional ministry of health in Andalucá has vaccinated 27,596 people aged 65 (born in 1959) against shingles since last May, 27.1 per cent of the target population. According to the Junta, around half of them, some 13,456 people, have already received the second dose.
Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, is an infectious disease that "up to 30 per cent of all adults will suffer from during their lifetime". It manifests as a skin lesion, with vesicles or blisters, which "is usually extensive and very painful", and usually appears on the back and may spread to a leg, arm or the face.
The health authority said that currently, shingles "can be prevented by a vaccine with a two-dose course", separated by at least two months. The head of public health and pharmaceutical regulation, Jorge del Diego, said, "The vaccine is authorised for people aged 18 and over, and in Andalucía it is free of charge for people aged 65, and for people aged 18 and over who have risk factors for severe shingles."
Del Diego pointed out that "shingles is caused by the reactivation of the chickenpox virus".
"In all people who have had chickenpox at some point, the virus remains dormant in the body and due to different circumstances such as age, immunosuppression or other diseases, it can become active again and produce these lesions, which can lead to serious complications," he explained.
The health authority said that up to 30 per cent of older adults who have shingles "will develop complications, the most common being post-herpetic neuralgia", which, it said, "is severe pain that remains after the rash resolves and responds poorly to the usual painkillers".
It also pointed out that the shingles vaccine can be administered at the same time as other vaccines received at this age, such as the flu, Covid and pneumococcal vaccines, or the tetanus-diphtheria booster. Moreover, "it can be given at any time of the year and is administered at health centres by appointment".
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