A closer look at this not-so-giant squid at Playa Granada. Francisco Alabarce
'Giant' squid takes bathers by surprise on Costa Tropical's Granada beach
Costa Tropical

'Giant' squid takes bathers by surprise on Costa Tropical's Granada beach

The mollusc, which had approached the shore somewhat dazed and confused, attracted attention in Motril where another specimen was sighted last year

Sara Bárcena Hernández

Wednesday, 7 August 2024, 11:01

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A 'giant' squid surprised bathers and beachgoers alike as they were enjoying a day at Playa Granada in Motril on a hot Tuesday in August. This large mollusc with a striking pink colour soon became the centre of attention. Several people quickly approached the shoreline to take in this rare sight of such a specimen in the waters off Motril along the Granada coastline.

The star of this unexpected nature show decided to make its debut appearance near the popular beach bar Chambao. Francisco Alabarce and his wife Adelina, residents of Motril, were taking a dip in that very location when this mollusc caught their attention. So, given that it was certainly an unusual event, they did not hesitate in capturing that moment on video.

Francisco claims to have seen it some time before one o'clock in the afternoon. At first, he wasn't sure what kind of animal it was. "It looked like a giant squid. It came out of the water and we pulled it in. It looked rather out-of-sorts," he said. After a while, the squid disappeared over the horizon without a trace.

This is not the first time that a so-called 'giant' squid has visited the shores on this stretch of coast known as the Costa Tropical. Last summer, for example, the Cofradía de Pescadores de Motril (fishermen's guild of Motril) auctioned off a thirteen-kilo specimen caught at a depth of 400 metres by a local trawler. Shortly afterwards it was being served up in a beach bar in Almuñécar.

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