What will the weather be like during the forthcoming long 'puente' holiday weekend in Spain?

What will the weather be like during the forthcoming long 'puente' holiday weekend in Spain?

State agency Aemet has warned of some rain and the arrival of a new Atlantic front in the country, which will also coincide with a sharp drop in temperatures

María Albert


Tuesday, 3 December 2024, 09:58

The anticyclone that has brought stability to Spain is about to give way to a new storm, according to the state weather agency (Aemet). With the month of December getting under way, the arrival of an Atlantic front and the possible entry of a polar air mass coinciding with the December long 'puente' (bridge) weekend will radically transform the weather in the country, giving way again to cold weather and rain in many parts of the country.

The arrival of this Atlantic front, coming from the west, will leave a predominance of cloudy skies in the western third of the mainland, with precipitation accompanied by some occasional thunderstorms in the Galicia and Asturias regions with the probability of being persistent and locally heavy.

Meanwhile, according to the weather agency, in the coming days we will experience an intense drop in thermometers, leaving a week that will generally be colder than usual for the time of year. This thermal decrease will finally mean the arrival of the meteorological winter in Spain, after several weeks of above-normal temperatures.

An Atlantic front arrives, leaving storms in Spain

The influence of this anticyclone will continue to be present throughout this week which, in general, will be warmer than usual, according to Aemet. As in previous days, we will continue to have morning fog in many parts of the country and also intervals of medium and high clouds associated with a front that left some showers in the northwest of the mainland throughout Monday.

Coinciding with this situation we will also have the arrival of an Atlantic front from the west, which will leave precipitation in parts of the western third of the country. Therefore, on Monday, Galicia, Asturias and the Cantabrian regions saw some precipitation, with occasional thunderstorms in these areas.

Although temperatures were above normal for the season, there will be a thermal decrease in many parts of Spain in the coming days. Maximum temperatures will drop significantly in the west of the Canary Islands, Galicia, Ebro and the southern third of the Spanish mainland, while minimum temperatures will also fall in the archipelago and increase in the Cantabrian Sea and Catalonia.

There will also be some frosts at high altitudes in the Pyrenees, where light southerly winds will prevail in the Cantabrian Sea, northwest quadrant and north of the Mediterranean area and moderate winds in the west of Galicia.

Change in the weather: cold and rainy weather returns for the long 'puente' weekend in December

Aemet has also confirmed new changes in the weather forecast that will begin to be noticed during the final throes of the December long holiday weekend. Although this week «will be, in general terms, warmer than normal» and we will see little rainfall away from the far north, the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands, the situation will change as we approach next weekend and, specifically, on Saturday 7 December.

According to weather models, with the start of December, we could witness the arrival of «a mass of arctic or polar air towards the mainland and the Balearic Islands», the specialist weather portal Meteored has revealed. Aemet, meanwhile, anticipates that the week from 9 to 15 December will be «colder than normal in the south and east of the Spanish mainland and temperatures in the northern half and the Balearic Islands will be around their normal values«.

At the moment, with still a lot of uncertainty, everything points to rainfall this week being «lower than usual in a large part of the mainland«, said Aemet. Even so, it could be «wetter than normal in the Balearic Islands» and we will also have to be attentive to the Cantabrian Mountains, the Cantabrian coast, the Pyrenees, northeastern Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, where it is possible that significant snowfalls may occur due to the mixture of cold air and humidity.

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surinenglish What will the weather be like during the forthcoming long 'puente' holiday weekend in Spain?