Years may come, years may go
The Music Maker opnion

Years may come, years may go

SUR in English columnist Peter Edgerton predicts that in 2025 Elon Musk will continue to lurk in the shadows sporting the vacant stare of a Bond villain and the unnerving voice of Brains from Thunderbirds

Peter Edgerton

Friday, 27 December 2024, 11:11

Blimey! 2024 zipped by in a fortnight, didn't it? Yet here we are again making plans for another new year and, to this end, I'd like to offer some predictions that may help you navigate the potentially tempestuous waters of 2025.

In politics, ... half of the United States will welcome the new(ish) president with open arms, while the other half will look on in wide-eyed bewilderment, still wondering why they and their friends sipping Prosecco at endless San Francisco dinner parties didn't quite have their fingers on the pulse. Expect lots of bull-meets-china-shop antics from the new incumbent. Elon Musk will continue to lurk in the shadows sporting the vacant stare of a Bond villain and the unnerving voice of Brains from Thunderbirds.

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surinenglish Years may come, years may go