Little Nora, with her parents and the team that cared for them at the Costa del Sol hospital. SUR
Meet Nora, the first Malaga baby of 2025 who came into the world at Costa del Sol hospital

Meet Nora, the first Malaga baby of 2025 who came into the world at Costa del Sol hospital

The first baby to be born in the Andalucía region was Lola, who was delivered at the Hospital Universitario Torrecárdenas de Almeria

Thursday, 2 January 2025, 09:09

At 01.09am on 1 January, baby Nora was born by caesarean section and she was the first baby born in 2025 in the province of Malaga. She came into the world Hospital Universitario Costa del Sol, in Marbella, where her parents, María and Riduan, travelled from the El Coto residential estate in Las Lagunas de Mijas for the birth.

Nora is the first child of these young parents who start the year with little sleep and the best possible news. The baby weighed 3,440 grams and measured 54 centimetres. And despite the early start, she did not win the regional first prize in Andalucía: that was won by Lola, who was born in the Hospital Universitario Torrecárdenas de Almeria at eight minutes past midnight on the 1 January. She is the fourth child in a family headed by parents Estefanía and Miguel.

The first baby from Cadiz was also a girl, Arabia. The first daughter of Ana Xiomara and José Javier, she was born at the Hospital de La Línea, under the Gibraltar East Health Management Area, at 00.39am. She weighed 3,570 grams and measured 50 centimetres.

In Cordoba, the first baby of 2025 was born at the Reina Sofia University Hospital. He is Lucas, who weighed three kilos and made Beatriz and Óscar parents for the first time at 1.38am.

In Granada, the first birth of the year took place at 0.55am at the Materno Infantil Hospital, part of the Virgen de las Nieves University Hospital. Her name is Míriam and she weighed 3,090 grams, measuring 49.5 centimetres. Her parents are Eva María and Rafael, both residents of the city of Granada, although of Cadiz and Huelva origin, respectively.

The first baby of 2025 in the Andalusian province of Huelva is a boy named Francisco Javier who was born at 2.16am at the Juan Ramón Jiménez University Hospital. He was born weighing 3,030 grams and measuring 49 centimetres in length. His father's name is Francisco Javier and his mother is Noelia. They are from the town of Almonte and have another daughter who is five years old.

In Jaén, the first baby was Íker, born at 1.08am. at the University Hospital, weighing 2,770 grams. His parents, Íker and Rocío, already have another child.

At 00.32am, Zoe, Seville's first baby of the year, was born at the Virgen de Valme University Hospital. Her parents, Esperanza and José Antonio, from Lebrija, are making their debut in parenthood with this daughter, who weighed 3,750 grams.

In Andalucía's public hospitals, last year 35,430 births were attended as of 30 November. In all of 2023, the number of births attended in the Andalusian public health system was 48,558, compared to 49,320 in 2022.

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surinenglish Meet Nora, the first Malaga baby of 2025 who came into the world at Costa del Sol hospital