La Voz
Monday, 21 October 2024, 09:32
The Sierra de Grazalema in Cadiz province is one of the most popular places in Andalucía for hiking trails as this natural park has a large number of beauty spots and places that are ideal for enjoying a day in the heart of nature, such as the Molino del Susto, literally meaning 'the scary mill'.
This place is simply a small, natural spring located among the ruins of an old mill, very close to the white village of Benamahoma. It is well known in the area for its beauty but, above all, for the paranormal stories surrounding it, making the Molino del Susto one of the most mysterious places in the Sierra de Grazalema.
The Molino del Susto owes its name to the supposed stories that are related to this particular place. A sign explaining the place says: "The murmuring of children crying, the sound of doors closing, lights shining and sightings of UFOs. All these tales shroud one of the many flour mills in Grazalema's natural park in mystery".
For many years it has been said that paranormal events and all kinds of happenings have occurred in this place such as ghostly apparitions or psychophonies (auditory hallucinations) of crying children. These make up the series of tales that have given a very mysterious and paranormal character to the place.
A TikTok account called @mochilenadosobrereruedas has posted a video on social media showing images of this place, explaining why it is so mysterious and what its history is.
According to this account, the Molino del Susto was built at the beginning of the 17th century in order to harness the power from the current flowing in the stream known as the Descansadero to turn the millstone that ground the wheat to make flour.
@mochileandosobreruedas 📍 Molino del susto. Grazalema. Cádiz. Esta mística fuente se encuentra enclavada en un lugar mágico, entre ruinas y que, en ocasiones, ha sido protagonista de historias paranormales.😱 En el cartel explicativo dice. "Susurros de niños llorando, ruidos de puertas que se cierran, resplandor de luces, avistamiento de ovnis. Todas estas historias envuelven al misterio a uno de los múltiples harineros que hay dentro del Parque Natural de Grazalema".🏞️ Construido a principios del siglo XVll este edificio aprovecha la fuerza de la corriente del arroyo del Descansadero para girar el mecanismo y utilizarla en la molienda del trigo para hacer la harina.🌽. Destruido durante la guerra civil y debido a las condiciones de humedad, trata de resistir al paso del tiempo transformándose en la fantasmagórica estructura que vemos, donde se dan las condiciones idóneas para la proliferación de musgo, líquenes, helechos y sobre todo de leyendas de fantasmas 👻. ℹ️ Se encuentra situado entre la localidad de Benamahoma y el área recreativa de los Llanos del Campo, junto al Arroyo del Descansadero. #sierradegrazalema #lugaresmisteriosos #lugaresmisticos #rutassenderismo #rutasfaciles #treckking #grazalema #senderos #bosquesembrujados #senderismo #senderismoespaña #naturalezaincreible ♬ sonido original - Mochileando sobre ruedas
During Spain's Civil War last century it was destroyed, but some of it remained standing. Since then the mill has completely blended in with Mother nature, becoming the ideal habitat for mosses, lichens and ferns that give it a very picturesque appearance. However, the most outstanding feature of this place is its numerous waterfalls and streams.
The Molino del Susto is located between Benamahoma and the recreational area of Llanos del Campo, next to the Fuente del Descansadero, which is on the A-372 road. In order to reach it, it is advisable to wear comfortable shoes and sportswear, as this place is located in the middle of nature.
Another option for visiting this place is to follow some of the hiking trails that pass through it, such as the Majaceite-Molino del Susto-Fuente del Descansadero trail, which is 13 kilometres long.
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