Eugenio Cabezas
Monday, 3 February 2025, 13:06
The Detunda-Cueva de Nerja botanical garden on the eastern Costa del Sol, which houses more than 200 species of rare and endangered plants and occupies an area of 26,000 square metres (2.6 hectares), was inaugurated in June 2017.
Located next to the cave and near the coastal village of Maro, which belongs to Nerja, received an investment of 2.6 million euros from the Junta de Andalucía and is part of the Red Andaluza de Jardines Botánicos y Micológicos en Espacios Naturales (Andalusian network of botanical and mycological gardens in natural spaces), or RED.
Since its creation the RED has established a model for the representation, location and monitoring of plant species based on the biogeographical sectors into which Andalucía is divided. The Nerja Cave garden is the only one of its kind in Malaga province and provides the public with a sample of the vegetation of the Malaga-Almijarense biogeographical sector, which extends through Colmenar, the Montes de Málaga, the Axarquía, Sierras de Tejeda, Almijara and Alhama mountains, and a portion of the Sierra Nevada National Park in Granada province.
This region is characterised, above all, by the landscape dominance of areas with limestone-dolomitic rocks, giving landscapes with whitish rocks and sands with vegetation that is generally small in size and highly specialised. However, there are also other geologies with more acidic soils or even some areas rich in gypsum. These particular conditions allow the existence of species and subspecies that are exclusive to the sector, the so-called endemisms, according to the regional government.
With these ecological characteristics, the Nerja area has a wide range of typically Mediterranean flora. Characterised by morphological and physiological adaptations to the long dry summer periods and even to the relatively frequent fires, including those that occur naturally. "However, we are in an area where numerous geographic dispersion processes have taken place in other geological eras (glaciation processes, union of the Strait of Gibraltar, etc.), facilitating the presence of Eurasian or Alpine floristic elements that have taken refuge in the great amplitude and diversity of habitats," the regional government points out.
The RED, made up of eleven gardens distributed throughout Andalucía, registered a total of 117,473 visitors during 2024. According to the Junta de Andalucía in a statement, this figure reflects the growing interest of the public to know and enjoy the botanical and mycological wealth that Andalucía has to offer, "consolidating the RED as a reference in the promotion of biodiversity and environmental education".
The gardens that make up the RED stand out for their biogeographical diversity and the important role they play as centres for the conservation, recovery and reintroduction of wild species. They also act as educational and awareness-raising spaces that allow visitors to get to know and appreciate the natural heritage of the region.
The Detunda-Cueva de Nerja botanical garden was the most visited of the network, with 49,022 visits last year. This enclave, close to one of the most famous caves in Andalucía, which received more than 500,000 visitors last year, combines the beauty of its surroundings with a wide range of educational and informative activities. Other gardens such as Torre del Vinagre (Jaén) and El Castillejo (Cadiz) also stood out for their attendance last year, with 15,277 and 14,159 visitors, respectively.
According to the Junta de Andalucía, "these results are the fruit of the efforts of the Junta de Andalucía to promote the RED through three strategic lines: conservation of biodiversity, education for conservation and the dissemination of phyto-tourism". Its statement goes on to say, "These lines strengthen the capacity of the gardens to preserve endemic and endangered species and also promote sustainable tourism that respects the environment."
Each RED garden plays a key role in the network, adapting to the characteristics of the biogeographical areas in which it is located. This ensures a unique representation of the different ecosystems of Andalucía, from the mountains of Almeria to the dunes of Huelva.
The RED develops programmes that involve schoolchildren, families and social groups in educational and participatory activities. Workshops, guided tours and interactive exhibitions are just some of the initiatives that bring science and nature closer to society, encouraging a greater commitment to the conservation of our environment.
From a tourism point of view, the network aims to highlight the richness of the landscape and culture of these areas. This approach aims to attract visitors, while positioning Andalucía as an attractive destination for those interested in green and sustainable tourism, increasing the positive impact on nearby municipalities.
Cooperation with other national and international bodies has been another of the pillars that has allowed the RED to achieve its objectives. Collaboration in research projects, participation in scientific networks and the exchange of experiences with other regions reinforce the prestige of the RED as a model for the integrated management of natural heritage, according to the regional administration.
"The Junta de Andalucía's commitment to conservation and sustainable development is reflected in these figures," they say, adding that the work carried out in the eleven RED gardens “demonstrates how it is possible to make environmental preservation compatible with the promotion of educational and tourist activities that generate a positive impact on the region”.
The figures for visits to the RED gardens in 2024, distributed by province, were as follows: El Albardinal (Almeria), 10,326; Umbría de la Virgen (Almería), 5,646; Torre del Vinagre (Jaén), 15,277; El Robledo (Seville), 2,099; San Fernando (Cadiz), 5. 203; El Castillejo (Cádiz), 14,159; El Aljibe (Cadiz), 1,369; Dunas del Odiel (Huelva), 1,160; Hoya de Pedraza (Granada), 9,573; La Trufa (Córdoba), 3,639, and Detunda-Cueva de Nerja, 49,022.
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