International Drama Festival programme

International Drama Festival programme

Ince's Hall Theatre will host the performances, which are set to begin on 20 March and will continue for the rest of the week

Friday, 4 March 2022, 12:50

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The programme for the Gibraltar International Drama Festival has now been announced. It will take place at the Ince's Hall Theatre from Sunday 20th to Saturday 26th March.

The event kicks off at 4pm on the first day with three performances by GAMPA Children and GAMPA Infants, and at 7pm the plays by adults begin with White Light Theatre and Bayside and Westside Drama Group. The performances also start at 7pm for the rest of the week, and Saturday 26th is Gala Night, with the awards ceremony after the plays.

The full programme and details of ticket prices can be found on the Gibraltar government website, or by emailing

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