Vanessa Melgar
Tuesday, 13 December 2022, 20:03
Ronda has always attracted famous writers and the latest to fall for the charms of this beautiful town with its gorge and stunning scenery has been American author Dan Brown, who wrote the famous Da Vinci Code, among other novels. His books have been published ... in 56 languages and 200 million copies have been printed.
His visit to Ronda only became apparent when he posted a photo of himself beside the bridge over the gorge on Facebook, with a comment asking “Where in the world?” which received nearly 1,200 replies.
The mayor of Ronda, María de la Paz Fernández, said after learning that Dan Brown had visited the town that it is “a pleasure to receive visits such as this one!”
She said the visit by one of the best-known writers in the world, who sells so many books, was wonderful publicity for Ronda.
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