Pilar R. Quirós
Monday, 4 March 2024, 18:35
Recently, the Socialist PSOE spokesperson, Dani Pérez, did not manage to get the plenary council session to declare Malaga as a city under pressure from tourist rentals, which would entail a price cap, among other measures, but he did garner majority support for Malaga council to undertake a modification of the General Urban Development Plan (PGOU) and to establish a limitation of tourist flats in zoned areas within the districts “according to the number of tourist flats that exist in each one of them”, as stated in the amendment made by the Partido Popular to the socialist motion.
In the give and take of the PP and PSOE administrative team, which defended two motions with the same tone — the problem of housing and tourist flats — what was clear was that Malaga council is working to build and help promote subsidised council properties, known as VPOs.
The PP lost no time in highlighting the socialist’s hypocritical record on housing in the city; PSOE had voted against Malaga council's Housing Plan, which includes 8,900 homes over five years (2023-2027), and which had been approved by the European Investment Bank, the State Land Agency (SEPES) and the regional government's Housing department. The councillor for housing, Paco Pomares, teased the socialists and members of Con Málaga, as he boasted about the 1,300 homes now under construction..
Pérez said housing is the issue that worries people the most as he cited a recent survey. Earlier, Juan Ignacio Romera, a housing activist from La Princesa, intervened to point out that a flat in this area costs 970 euros per month. Looking pointedly at the city mayor, Francisco de la Torre — a strong advocate of the benefits of education — the activist said that he knew people in Malaga with degrees and masters who could not afford to pay these prices. Pérez criticised the fact that in the last ten years the price of housing in Malaga has risen by 81%.
Con Málaga's deputy spokesman, Nico Sguiglia, criticised the fact that Spain was at the bottom of the EU in the promotion of public housing, at number 18, and said that the PP team favours vulture funds coming to the city, charging unaffordable prices and favouring speculation. "More and more people think that you [De la Torre] govern for the lions [investment funds] ".
The deputy spokesperson for Vox, Yolanda Gómez, complained that the socialist initiative is like groundhog day because they bring it to every plenary session, and criticised the fact that the parties on the left asked for Malaga to be declared a rental tension zone (which would produce a cap on rental prices) "because the cap on rental prices would produce the opposite effect", Gómez said. The spokesperson for the far-right party added that, in her opinion, this would cause owners to stop letting out their properties.
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