Wednesday, 24 October 2018, 12:00
Malaga's young farmers association, ASAJA Málaga, have called on Local Police forces across the Axarquía to tighten up controls on street markets and greengrocers in light of recent robberies of unripened avocados.
Sources from the association said earlier this week that they have evidence to suggest that robberies, particularly of the Hass variety of the fruit, have occurred recently and added that any being sold illegally will be unripe as the picking season is not due to start for another two months.
The association said that the illegal avocados will be sold at cheaper prices and asked police officers to carry out regular checks to make sure the origin can be proven, that the avocados don't appear to be very unripe and that the price they are being sold for is in line with the market value.
Earlier this year agricultural organisations asked police forces for increased security in the countryside to reduce the number of robberies from farms following a spate of organised crime in the area when thousands of kilos of avocados were stolen.
The Hass avocado is the main variety grown in Malaga province.
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