
Direct flights between Malaga and Doha to start running in June

The Qatar Airways flight that will unite Malaga with the capital of Qatar, Doha, will begin to operate from 4 June of this year


Friday, 16 March 2018, 11:32


The Qatar Airways flight that will unite Malaga with the capital of Qatar, Doha, will begin to operate from 4 June of this year. It will run four times per week, on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, according to travel agencies who have already processed bookings. At the ITB travel fair last week in Berlin, the Qatari airline announced its plans to include the expansion of its services to 16 new destinations during the 2018-2019 holiday season.

The President of the Association of Andalusian Travel Agencies (Aedav), Sergio García, confirmed that the first flight was almost fully booked, including its most exclusive class.

Friends of mine who live in Qatar have told me that this new connection is very much welcomed there and that this summer the Costa is set to have a huge tourism boost thanks to visiting Arabs. These types of connections are always good news, García said.

The seven-hour flight will leave Malaga at 9.15am and will arrive at Doha at 5.15pm local time. The return flight will leave the Qatari capital at 1.20am and arrive back at 8.05am. Initially it will operate until 30 September.

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