
More than just English homework

Students from the official language schools in Andalucía take part in a short story competition in English

Rachel Haynes

Friday, 2 June 2017, 13:34


The English Department at the Escuela Oficial de Idiomas (EOI) in Malaga runs an annual short story competition aimed at more advanced students who want to show off their creative writing skills.

Writing a short story is a challenge in itself and so producing one in a foreign language is particularly impressive. Nevertheless the competition, now in its 16th year, receives dozens of entries from students of English as a foreign language at official language schools all over Andalucía.

Every year the schools own judging panel has the difficult task of selecting the top three stories out of the entries, all written with pseudonyms to disguise the identity of the authors.

Then, staff in the newsroom at SUR in English have the privilege of choosing the winner out of the final three.

The best stories in the contest are published in the language schools own annual magazine and the top three writers also get the chance to see their work in print inside SUR in English.

Here are the top three 2017 entries. We hope you enjoy them as much as we did.

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